Low FODMAP Challenges


When you join you’ll receive weekly shopping lists, smoothie recipes and access to a private member community to help and support you.

Low FODMAP Smoothies e-book

  • Have you recently started the elimination phase of the low FODMAP diet?
  • Are you worried about not eating enough fruits and vegetables?
  • Are you confused of which fruits and vegetables are low FODMAP and what’s their safe low FODMAP quantity?


Our eBook contains the complete 21 day program including low FODMAP smoothie recipes, menu plans and shopping lists. It’s also packed with BONUS information that’s exclusive to the book, including:

•Easy-to-understand FODMAP explanation
•Ingredient substitution list
•Nutritional information
•Suitable low FODMAP proteins
•Informative FAQs
•Beautiful colour pictures
•PLUS a Special Bonus Gift

If you’re looking for a healthy low FODMAP guide, the 21-Day Low FODMAP Smoothie Challenge eBook is for you.

Access to the 21 Day Low FODMAP Smoothie Challenge Facebook Group

My friend, Clare, and I have partnered to bring you healthy low FODMAP recipes. This exciting journey begins with delicious low FODMAP Smoothie creations.

Clare is a qualified nutritionist, naturopath and herbalist with more than 15 years industry experience. Her wealth of food knowledge, combined with my 3 years research on the low FODMAP diet, means we can bring you tasty, healthy recipes that are FODMAP friendly.Free Low FODMAP Smoothie Challenge BannerWhen I was first diagnosed with IBS, I was devastated that I could no longer eat my favourite foods. Not just things like pasta and bread, but especially my favourite cakes and biscuits were banned, as they contained wheat and other high FODMAP ingredients. Having a real sweet tooth, I eventually found a replacement for most of my food cravings. I learnt how to make delicious low FODMAP sandwiches, cakes, muffins, muesli bars, chocolate bars etc.; but, unfortunately, I did not take the opportunity to switch to a much healthier lifestyle. It took me another 2 years, and an extra 15 kg (33 lbs), to say no to ‘unhealthy’ low FODMAP foods and change to a healthy version of the low FODMAP diet.

Green Smoothie Hormone Tamer

If you are a bit like me, you will find a challenge helps you get on the right path. A 21 day healthy challenge is short enough to keep you motivated, but long enough to make a significant change in your life.





Hi Clare and Larah, I don’t have IBS but my sister does.
Your site has encouraged her so very very much. Thank you for all the time and effort you go to to provide such extensive resources. 
We are doing this challenge together because 1. It can’t hurt me to mix things up a little 2. Cause she has only been following a low FODMAP diet for 2 weeks and she no longer is sick come every afternoon.
Your site has helped her understand what she is doing. Keep doing what you are doing. It makes a difference in peoples lives. Thank you,  Naomi


Thanks so much girls!
I mentioned to you at the beginning that I had been having the same smoothie every morning for more than six months – why the same? Because I knew it didn’t upset my system. Now I have so many options and its so nice to be able to pick and choose. So needless to say – I have been having the same lunch (Mon – Fri for work), but for more than five years! I can’t tell you how excited I am about the low FODMAP lunches. I am looking forward to it sooo much!
Thanks again – you guys are the best!!  Lisa