#010 Lisa Rothstein Shares Her Tips And Tricks For Successful Low FODMAP Cooking

All About Low FODMAP Cooking With IBS Cook Lisa Rothstein

Having IBS symptoms shouldn’t prevent us from eating sensational food that is packed with nutrition and is also low in FODMAPs; in fact our guest for this week, Lisa Rothstein, who is also an IBS sufferer, creates tasty low FODMAP recipes that are enjoyable for the whole family, not just for those suffering from digestive issues.

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • Lisa Rothstein’s journey with IBS.
  • How the low FODMAP diet helps Lisa to control her IBS symptoms.
  • The collaboration with RDs Karen Warman and Patsy Catsos to create the book IBS-Free Recipes for the Whole Family.
  • Lisa passion for cooking started when she was very young.
  • How she manages cooking low FODMAP tasty recipes for her family.
  • Tips for adding onion and garlic flavours in foods.
  • How to make a garlic and onion infused oils.
  • How to safely store homemade infused oils.
  • Tips for menu planning.
  • Tips for low FODMAP grocery shopping.
  • What are tips for choosing gluten free flours, especially for baking?
  • What are some healthy low FODMAP snacks?
  • What is this IBS-Free Recipes for the Whole Family book all about?


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LARAH: Hi, and welcome to a new episode of the Low FODMAP Diet and IBS Podcast. My guest, Lisa Rothstein, holds a BA in biology and was a cancer researcher at Harvard Medical School in Dana Farber Cancer Institute for seventeen years. Lisa was diagnosed with IBS as a teen and spent a long time trying different diets, probiotics and exercise, but all without real success. In 2011, on the recommendation of dietitian Karen Warman, she explored the low FODMAP diet and found that it dramatically reduced her symptoms. Lisa has, since then, devoted the last several years to creating healthy and tasty low FODMAP recipes that are appealing to both adults and children. In 2015, together with dietitians Patsy Catsos and Karen Warman, she co-wrote the book IBS-Free Recipes for the Whole Family.  It’s a pleasure to introduce you to Lisa Rothstein. Hi, Lisa.

LISA: Hi, Larah, nice to meet you.

LARAH:  Very nice to meet you too. Shall we start by telling the listeners a little bit more about yourself and can you share your story as well?

LISA:  Sure. When I was about sixteen years old I was diagnosed with IBS. I’d had tummy troubles all of my life. I finally went through the whole diagnostic process and also did some lower GI testing. I’d had bloating; I’d had diarrhea, occasionally alternating with constipation, but mostly diarrhea predominant IBS, and I guess everything was ruled out. A few years later when the celiac test came out, I was tested for that and that was ruled out as well. So my diagnoses of IBS came actually before that. I went to several health practitioners over the years and nobody could really give me much helpful information. Many people recommended certain things to eat. A lot of it was like increasing bran, increasing fibre, adding lots of vegetables and all those things we now know are high FODMAP foods, and they only made my symptoms worse. A few things that did work for me initially were going lactose-free — which at the time before the low FODMAP diet was known, was one of the FODMAPs — and also eating wheat-free/gluten-free foods. We now know that it reduces the fructans levels on the diet. So I did those two things and it seemed to improve my IBS somewhat, but I still had symptoms that wouldn’t go away. As I got older and started to eat more healthy — more vegetables, more fruits, lots of yogurt — I started to have more severe symptoms.

LARAH: Thank you, Lisa, for your story. In some aspects, it sounds similar to mine as well.  Everyone was trying to get to the bottom of it, but it wasn’t as easy as it seemed. How has the low FODMAP diet changed the way you are able to control your IBS symptoms as compared to before?

LISA: Well, I had dramatic improvement on the low FODMAP diet. I sort of feel like I’ve gotten my life back. I was in almost a suspended state of feeling terrible probably for about, I would say, six or seven years. The symptoms were constant and didn’t ever go away as compared to when I was younger when I would have a few good weeks, maybe, and then the symptoms would come back. This was daily symptoms of IBS — bloating, pain, gas, running to the bathroom — and it just didn’t let up. Once I started following the diet, it completely turned around and my symptoms abated drastically — and quite quickly. Within about four to five days I felt like a completely different person and it was just dramatic how quickly it worked for me.

LARAH:  Yes, it’s just incredible how fast the low FODMAP diet elimination phase can start to work. For me, it was the same; it was within a week, or even less. Yeah, it usually works pretty fast.

So I wanted to ask you, how did you get the opportunity to collaborate with Patsy Catsos who has been a guest on my podcast in episode 3 — and also with dietitian Karen Warman — to create the book IBS-Free Recipes for the Whole Family?

LISA:  Yes, it’s been a kind of a fun story. I was working out at a gym and started working out with Karen Warman. We started talking about what we did for work and she told me she was a dietitian. I was really at a low phase in my life with my IBS symptoms and I confided in her that I was having a lot of trouble with my IBS symptoms. She mentioned the low FODMAP diet and asked me if I’d ever heard about it. Back when I’d tried so many diets, I thought, how is this diet possible? She gave me some information about it and I went online and started looking at some of the research papers and it all sounded very good. Since I have a science background, it was somewhat easy for me to read them.


LISA:  So I decided that I was going to order Patsy Catsos’ book online. I decided that it would be a good starting point because it seemed to pretty thorough in covering all the bases of IBS. I ordered the book and immediately started following the elimination diet, and once I did that, I realised my symptoms were totally under control.

I went back to Karen and we discussed it and she said she’s had a lot of success with her patients. — she’s a paediatric nutritionist — so we decided we wanted to collaborate together to do this cookbook because I’ve been a cook for years  — an avid cook. I love cooking, I love talking about it.  I’ve always written my own recipes. When I started going gluten-free thirty years ago, I started doing my own baking, so I knew a lot about that. That was very helpful to start with. So I started writing my recipes down and Karen and I were going to publish together. Then Karen met Patsy at a nutrition meeting and they got to talking, and Patsy seemed somewhat interested. When everybody got back from the meeting, I contacted Patsy on the recommendation of Karen after they had spoken, and we started the collaboration at that point. Patsy had already published her first book, so we decided to self-publish this IBS-Free Recipes for Whole Family together.

LARAH: That’s quite incredible how things work in life isn’t it? From one thing…

LISA: Yes.

LARAH: So not only did you get benefits from finding out about the low FODMAP diet, but then you got business partners as well, which is great.

LISA: Yes.

LARAH:  You can tell from the book from all of the recipes that you really have a great passion for cooking. When did this start?

LISA: Well, to be honest, I remember learning how to make scrambled eggs when I was five years old. From that point on, I loved to bake and I started baking with my older sister. Then my family started becoming vegetarian at one point and, so for me, it was just learning how to cook for vegetarians, which just how I got my start — by experimenting with different ways that were not typical American cooking. And then it just went on from there as I started to go gluten-free later on in my life. I started doing all my own baking, so it really started out in early age.

LARAH:  Well, that’s quite incredible at five years old and using the stove and all that. So your mom must have been pretty trusting as well.

LISA: My mother was a very good cook.

LARAH: Yeah, that’s help as well, having someone that can really teach you well.  So I mentioned that you are the only IBS sufferer of your family?

LISA: Yes.

LARAH:  So when you cook, do you usually cook different food for your family? Obviously, they don’t need to follow the low FODMAP diet, or if not how do you manage to cook your food so that it is low FODMAP friendly for you and also suitable for the rest of your family?

LISA:  Well, my children are teenagers now, but I started this diet when they were a bit younger.  I cook a family dinner together. That’s the main meal that we eat together because my children are in school so they eat their own breakfasts which contain high FODMAP — whatever they want. Their lunches, which I pack for them, are regular FODMAP containing foods, but dinner we tend to eat together most nights of the week. It’s a low FODMAP dinner, but I have translated all of our family favourites into recipes we all like and it can be a low FODMAP for me. Initially, when I was starting the diet, I tried making two sets of meals and that just wasn’t working for me, so I thought because I know how to cook, it would be much easier to just translate everything we do into low FODMAP recipes.

LARAH:  Yeah, at the beginning I was cooking different meals for me and for my family, and the same as you, it was just so much hard work. I now try, as much as I can, to prepare food that they can also eat. So obviously, before, I used to put lots of onion and garlic in food, and I now use onion and garlic infused oils. They don’t really mind that. It makes no difference to them at all. Things like  pasta… I’m not eating as much pasta now, just because trying to watch my weight, but let’s say when I do cook pasta, I will cook gluten-free pasta for everyone instead of just cooking it for me and then cooking the wheat pasta for them, and other things like that. So it’s feasible, especially considering that it’s one meal a day usually, that we share with our family.  So that can be changed and tweaked to make it FODMAP friendly as well as suitable for them.

So, in your low FODMAP food that you cook, how did you make it really tasty and interesting? A lot of people that are first starting a low FODMAP diet are a bit worried that their food is actually going to become tasteless, but we know that that’s not the case. What can you tell to people that have this perception that the low FODMAP food is not interesting and is not tasty?

LISA: Well, that’s absolutely wrong that low FODMAP food can’t be tasty. You can add so many different herbs and spices that are all low FODMAP to your foods. I use a lot of fresh herbs. I have an herb garden in summer and spring which I use, but you can also buy fresh herbs like basil, parsley, coriander and oregano, and you can add them to foods, and that really pumps up the flavour, especially if you add it when cooking is done. It adds a lot of flavour. I use the green parts of scallions, chives, and I also cook with leek leaves which is the top green portion of the leek that a lot of people throw away.


LISA: That definitely adds an onion flavour to soups and stews. Leek leaves do need to cook longer because they’re a bit on the tough side, but they don’t need more than about ten minutes of cooking– maybe fifteen — but they do add a really distinctive onion flavour to foods.  The other things that I use a lot of are dried herbs as well. Those you can keep in your pantry for quite some time — things like oregano, basil, thyme, sage, tarragon. You can have these on hand at all time because they’re dry. Another thing that I use to add flavour which is a surprisingly low FODMAP, are chillies. That’s not the chilli powder mix that we get in the US that usually contains onion and garlic, I’m talking about the specific dry chilli powder of a single chilli.

LARAH: Okay.

LISA:  That would be something like ancho chilli powder or a New Mexico chilli powder, or chipotle chilli powder, and when you combine those with cumin, you basically get all kinds of Mexican dishes that you can make with it. That’s one way I add flavour to things. I also use a lot of spices like coriander, cumin, paprika, curry powder, turmeric and garam-masala. You can also add things like lemon grass, thyme, basil and fish sauce if you want to add a Southeast Asian flavour.  Soy sauce, ginger, scallions and sesame oil turn foods into Chinese or Japanese flavours.

If you’re not someone who wants to have a huge pantry of spices and sauces, you can do things like adding citrus juice like lemon, lime or even orange juice.  You can make salad dressings out of them, you can add them to foods at the end of cooking. The other thing I love is to use the zest of all of those citrus fruits.  Those are really great when added just at the end of cooking.  So you really don’t have to have boring food just because it’s low FODMAP. There’s so many ways you can add flavour.

LARAH: Thank you, Lisa, for that, I really like all the tips that you’ve given, and not just spices and herbs, but everything else that you have added… that really makes food much tastier and interesting.  So as you’re such an excellent cook, could you give the listeners some easy to follow recipe substitutions or a recipe that you’ve been able to make to taste just like the high FODMAP version?

LISA: Well, to be honest, I think all of the recipes that I make pretty much taste like the high FODMAP version in the book.

LARAH: Great.

LISA: I know all the tricks of using onion substitutes and using garlic oil and garlic-onion oils. I make them both together as one type of oil so you can add the onion and garlic flavour in that way. One of the family favourites that I’ve translated which is very easy, is macaroni and cheese. We call it mac & cheese here in the US, and that’s basically cheese and pasta. I use gluten-free pasta.  In the US we have a choice of corn, quinoa or rice pasta and I use lactose-free milk and sharp cheddar cheese, and that makes it a low FODMAP dish. You really could find any regular macaroni and cheese recipe online and just use those three ingredients that are low lactose, and be able to make it a regular low FODMAP macaroni and cheese.

Another thing that I do is, we eat a lot of Mexican food like tacos and enchiladas and I have a chili powder mix in my cookbook, but you could look online for a bunch of recipes that tend to be a mix of bunch of different spices including chili powder and cumin.  I make it up in a runner in one and a half cup portions and I always have it in my pantry. That way, I can make any dish like tacos or chili at a moment’s notice and I don’t have to add all six different spices. That’s one of the things I do.

Another thing that I do fairly frequently is, it’s really hard to find sausages in the United States that don’t have garlic and onion in them, so if you want to have a dish with any Italian sausage, or a breakfast sausage, I often make it using just plain ground pork and I’ll add garlic infused oil. I will also add chopped fennel seeds, so I crush them or chop them finely with a knife and add either a little fennel root and a little oregano and red chili flakes for an Italian style sausage. And if you want to have a breakfast sausage, I use crumbled ground sage and garlic infused oil and lots of black pepper. You can form them into patties or into the shape of a sausage and fry them, and you can serve them like that or you can chop them and put them in the pasta dishes or casseroles.

LARAH: Oh, that sounds quite delicious. I’d never thought about making sausages like that, but yeah, that’s true. You don’t necessarily need to have that sausage shape; you can just have them in a pattie if it’s easier to cook them. Delicious… Thank you.  I know you mentioned that you’re making your own garlic and onion infused oils and you combined them. Could you just quickly explain how you make them and tell us how long you can store the oil for?

LISA: Sure, what I do is I take approximately — everyone’s different in how strong they like their onion and garlic oil. So I chop maybe ten cloves of garlic and then I take off the white parts of scallions or the white part of leeks that I have left over after chopping off the green low FODMAP part used in recipes that I need.  So I take that and I put it in a pan with about a half a cup of oil and I just let it simmer at a very, very low simmer for about five to seven minutes, and then I turn it off and let it sit for about a half hour. Then I strain out the pieces just by pouring the oil through a strainer.

I contacted a food safety expert because I do understand that there is a risk of botulism poisoning for any kinds of foods that are infused in oil. I was told that it’s safe to keep any garlic or onion infused oils — or any infused oil — even if you infused any other plant matter like herbs in it, it can also introduce botulism into the oil. It’s safe to keep it in the refrigerator for, I was told, four to seven days.  If you want longer term storage, and this is what I did just to be safe, is that I store it in the freezer in a glass jar. That storage is indefinite, so you have a wide margin of safety if you freeze it. When it’s hardened you can actually scrape it out with a spoon, or a fork, or a knife and use it as needed, but I keep it frozen all the time right after I make it so I don’t have to worry about if is it’s safe or worry about how many days it’s been in the refrigerator.

LARAH:  Okay… You know, that’s excellent because I’ve never tried to make my own one, unless I just use it straight away. because I was always worried about botulism. In Australia, we have the garlic and onion infused oils from Cobram Estate. They are good quality and they’re very tasty.  They’re not that expensive, so I just have been using them, but now that I know how long I can keep them for in the freezer, I can do that. Yeah, that’s also an option for people that don’t have readily available garlic and onion infused oils that they can just purchase at the supermarket. That’s a very good alternative.  So the garlic, do you chop it or is it in just in full pieces?

LISA: I chop it, and then I chop the leeks and the garlic. You can use regular onions, too, if you want, just don’t press on them while they’re cooking. I just tend to swirl the pan. You don’t want to push out any of the water soluble fraction which contains fructans, so I just let it swirl in the pan, and also, do not brown it. That was the other thing I did not say. It can make the oil taste bitter.  So you want to keep it at a low enough simmer so that it’ happily simmering along, but you don’t want the onions or the garlic to brown because that adds a bitter taste to the oil.  It won’t ruin it; it can just taste a bit bitter.

LARAH:  Okay, thank you for that, Lisa. That’s very useful to know.  So now, would you have any tips for our listeners for menu planning, just to make sure that all the nutrients needed are there as well as being FODMAP friendly and not giving IBS symptoms?

LISA: Well, for me, what I try to do in every meal is to include a vegetable, a protein and a grain, especially for the main meal of the day. And I think also, you have to think outside of the box a little bit with the types and the ways you used to eat food, and use vegetables in slightly different ways.  So some of the things I started using that I’d never used before was, I stir fry vegetables that I normally never would have used — things like rutabaga, which was a big surprise to me. I’d always had it boiled and mashed and never liked it, but I now have it in chunks and stir fry it. It’s very sweet and crunchy if you don’t overcook it. You can even stir fry sweet potatoes. I do turnips, and I stir fry radishes and roast them. I’m not a nutritionist, but one of the things that I do know is that if you include foods with a lot of different colours, not only does it look pretty, it makes it more satisfying because it looks pretty. You’re getting a lot of different nutrients. A good rule of thumb is to try to include something green, red and orange, for example, in your meal, and you know you’re sort of getting all that range of different nutrients from the different vegetables.

LARAH: Wow, that’s good, I never thought about the different colours, but, yeah, it makes sense.  So, would you have any tips for low FODMAP grocery shopping?

LISA:  Well, I like to shop at places that have bulk bins like health food stores in the United States. We have a lot of Whole Food stores, which is our big national chain of natural food stores and it’s probably in other countries too, but I like to buy a lot of my grains in bulk.  It’s a lot cheaper that way than buying them packaged in stores, and those grains tend to keep a long time in your pantry. So those are some of the things that I like to do like brown rice, basmati rice, quinoa and buckwheat groats which is a really good grain that tastes kind of like a cross between potato and rice.  It looks kind of like a big cous cous. Millet is another grain that I like, and the reason I like these grains is that not only can you make them as a side dish at dinner, but you can also make them as a hot cereal in the morning.  You can cook them with about a three to one ratio of water to grain, and then you can sweeten it with maple syrup and add cinnamon and top it with nuts. Every single one of those turns into a hot cereal, so it’s very versatile. You can also add them to soups and stews and it helps to thicken and add body. Whereas I used to add a lot of beans and legumes, I don’t do that anymore. Now I use those grains, and they are a kind of a substitute for those.

The other things I always try to have at home in my pantry are canned, diced tomatoes and, as I mentioned, all the dried spices so you don’t have to run out all the time and buy them, they last quite a while in your pantry. Also, I always make sure I have gluten-free, wheat-free, low FODMAP pasta and breads. The other thing that I always have in my freezer, I have frozen fruits like strawberries, blueberries, and I’ve even found frozen pineapple. Those are all good for making smoothies or making cobblers. Raspberries are also really good frozen fruits to have on hand. They’re really versatile as well.

LARAH:  That’s great.  So what are cobblers?

LISA: A cobbler is, I don’t know what they would be in Australia, but they’re a sweet dessert. You cook the fruit, and they have like a biscuit topping on the top.

LARAH: Like a crumble?

LISA: Like a crumble, yeah.

LARAH: Yes, yeah, delicious, yeah, nice.

LISA: You can do those from frozen berries too, so you can make those even in the middle of winter. when you don’t have a lot of those fresh fruits around. They work perfectly well. Those are cooked fruit desserts.

LARAH:  Yeah, that’s great. I also use frozen fruits, especially in smoothies. They’re much cheaper than the fresh version.

LISA: Yes, a lot of cheaper here, too.

LARAH:  Another question I wanted to ask you, Lisa, It’s about gluten-free baking, it seems a little bit tricky, and do you have any tips with the gluten-free flours?

LISA: Sure, we could do a whole show on gluten free baking, however, in the minute or two, I think a few suggestions would be that you need to find a mixture of flours. It’s very difficult to get a normal tasting baked product if you used one kind of flour, so I always do a variety of flours, and since I have been baking for thirty years with gluten-free flours, I know the properties of all the flours. What you can do is go online and look at what the experts are doing, but basically, I try to use the higher fibre low FODMAP flours that have more protein in them. They tend to make things less crumbly, and I also mix them with the starchier flours like potato starch or tapioca starch or corn starch.  I have those at a much lower percentage — maybe thirty percent with the starchy flour and up to seventy percent with a higher protein and fibre flour. That’s sort of one tip.

The other thing that I think people need to know is that you need a protein in your baking, either in the form of eggs, or cheese, or lactose-free yogurt or milk. The protein actually helps almost as a binder along with eggs. They really tend to help your baked goods not crumble as much.

The other thing that — and I know some people don’t like them, but I like to use xanthan gum. It really does improve the quality of your baked goods. If, however, you don’t eat eggs and you don’t want xanthan gum — some people claim that it may upset their stomach. It’s not a FODMAP, but for some reason, some people do find it gives some problems. If you don’t want eggs and you don’t want to use xanthan gum, I find that ground flaxseeds and chia seeds — and you can use the chia seeds as a whole seed or ground — and if you mix them in some warm water, it will make like a very gooey, kind of almost like an egg white mixture and that really can work very well as a binder to replace xanthan gum in baking. And the recipe for replacing eggs is one tablespoon of grounds flaxseeds or chia seeds and three tablespoons of warm water. Let it sit and whisk it a few times for about three to five minutes and then you can add it as you would add egg to your recipe.

LARAH: Oh, wow. I hadn’t thought about replacing eggs because I’m okay with eggs, but I know that a lot of people have digestive issues and, for some reason, they can’t tolerate eggs.  So for people in a hurry, could you suggest some healthy low FODMAP snacks?

LISA:  Yes, I carry a cooler at all times with me and I keep an ice pack in it. I usually put a low FODMAP fruit like grapes or oranges and usually a piece of cheese and hard boiled eggs, so that’s a very simple thing. I make a batch of hard boiled eggs at the beginning of the week and they last me for the week.  If that’s not practical or you don’t have time or access to a freezer, there is lot of really simple snacks you can do. You can carry any kind of nut butter like peanut butter or almond butter, and I like to eat them with bananas or put them on bananas. The other thing you can do is take a rice cake, spread some nut butter on it, and then cut the banana into slices and put that on it and eat it as a snack.

Another quick snack… People always think of snacks as something sweet, but you can have savoury ones as well. In the US, we have tuna that comes in foil packages and they’re single serving. Those don’t need any refrigeration at all which means you can throw them in your purse or backpack and put in a plastic fork and some crackers. You can have tuna and crackers as a snack in the middle of the day. It’s also a good lunch. I also carry little zip lock bags where I portion out a single FODMAP portion of peanuts or almonds that I can carry with me in my purse. That doesn’t need refrigeration as well. Things like tortilla chips, gluten free pretzels and low FODMAP granola bars… In the US, we have a couple brands that I know are low FODMAP and I always have one of those stashed away either in my purse or in my car, and those are very easy and very portable.

LARAH: Those are very good tips. These are just simple things that you can just grab when you’re in a hurry and make sure that you have something you can eat that is safe when it comes to a snack time. Thank you for that. Now talking about your book, so can you please tell what people can find in the book you co-wrote, the IBS-Free Recipes for the Whole Family?

LISA:  Well, not only is it recipes, but we also have a whole beginning section that has a primer on the low FODMAP diet and what it is — the pluses and minuses of following the diet. There’s both pros and cons, and we also have a lists of allowed foods and a pantry shopping list that you could copy and take with you and check off the things that you want to have and make multiple copies. That’s nice to have and it’s handy.

We also have a section on how to meet your nutrients needs on the diet, and that’s important because you don’t want to just eat all low FODMAP and not meet your nutritional needs, so there’s some information on that.  We also offer some guidance for putting children on the low FODMAP diet, and in addition, we have information on how to read labels to determine if something is low FODMAP because everything can’t be tested, and Monash will never be able to test every commercial item in the world to see if it’s low FODMAP. So we give tips on how to read ingredients lists to determine whether something may or may not be safe for the low FODMAP diet.

The cookbook also contains a lot of recipes. There’s over 125 of them and all the recipes contain not just the recipe and ingredients, but cooking tips and we offer substitution ideas if you don’t have an ingredient and you want to make a variation on the recipe. There’s variations within each recipe so that you can make it different ways.

One of the things I like about our cookbook is that it’s not just one style of American cooking, it includes Vietnamese, Italian, Chinese, Mexican and Thai. And I also include recipes for spice mixtures like chili powder and barbecue spice rub, and I have a recipe for ketchup and for barbecue sauce which would be good for kids following the diet, but also for adults.

One of the things that I’m very excited about is something that I developed over the years with my gluten-free baking. I developed a baking mix which is similar to something we have in the US which is called Bisquick.  It’s basically a mixture of bunch of flours, and I make it up in these 10 cups to 12 cups volumes. It has all the rising baking powder agents in it so you can just basically add some basic ingredients and have something in the oven in ten or fifteen minutes if you make it ahead of time. That baking mix makes pancakes, waffles, banana bread, pumpkin bread, scones, biscuits, pie crust bars and, what’s nice about it is you don’t have to measure each individual flour every time you bake because it’s just mixed together in a one big mixture.

We also have recipes for soups, enchiladas, tomato sauce, casseroles, stir-frys, salad dressings, smoothies, snacks and appetisers. One of the other things that I’ve made a point to try to do was to list which recipes freeze well because I think that’s very important to know when following this diet.

LARAH: Well, that’s sounds amazing. There is so much in that book. If anyone wants to buy where can they find it?

LISA:  Well, the big carriers are Amazon and Barnes and Noble. I know Amazon is pretty much in UK and in Australia, correct?

LARAH: In Australia we can buy the book. I purchased your book from the Amazon store and it came to me very quickly, within a week or so.

LISA: Uh-huh.

LARAH:  So that’s fantastic. Thank you so much.  So if people want to get in touch with you, do you have a website and social media addresses that you would like to give to the listeners so they can reach you?

LISA:  Sure. I don’t have a website yet and I am working on that, but right now I am on Twitter. I tweet frequently and you can tweet me. I also include pictures of recipes from the book or pictures of new things that I’m testing and my Twitter handle is @IBScook. I have a Facebook page where I also post recipes and pictures and my Facebook address is also IBS Cook, so I can be reached there. I try to post on my Facebook page about once sometimes twice a week. Some of them are recipes, some are tips. I also offer pictures of recipes from the book and I’m hoping to be working on a web presence in the future.

LARAH: All right. Thank you so much, Lisa. And I will be putting all the links that we’ve discussed on the show notes for this episode, so people can just go there and click and there will be a link to your book as well. I appreciate all the information you’ve shared with us. It’s very useful information and there are some great tips. Thank you for your time.

LISA: Thank you. It’s my pleasure and I love talking about FODMAPs and about cooking.

LARAH: Yes, you do, and I love talking about FODMAPs too. Being able to share the message of the low FODMAP diet with more and more people, I think that’s what we all have in common.

LISA: Yes, we do.

LARAH: Thank you, Lisa. Thank you again.

LISA: Thank you, Larah.

LARAH: Thank you so much for listening to this interview with Lisa Rothstein, a fantastic cook who specialises in low FODMAP recipes. I really hope you have enjoyed all her cooking tips today.  Please join me next week for another great episode and, until then, I wish you all the very best in your life and, of course, with your health. Take good care. Goodbye.

Links and resources mentioned in this episode:
Links to Lisa’s social media:

About Larah

I have been suffering from Irritable Bowel Syndrome for many years, but it took a longtime to get a diagnosis, since then I have been following a low FODMAP diet, which has changed my life for the better. This is my story and experience with IBS and the low FODMAP diet.