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My 12 year old has been on a low fodmap diet for a while now and it’s been a big adjustment trying to find kid friendly recipes that she likes, but also fun to make new things! I am struggling in trying to figure out what to do about an Easter Basket this year… Any suggestions?
It does not look as though there is much activity here, but I would really love to hear from people about what products you have found to be low fodmap. I ate very healthy and natural prior to the low fodmap diet but I would consume some natural and organic products such as condiments, soups, nut milks, and dairy free cheese and yogurt alternayives. The only low fodmap product I know of as of late is the whole foods brand 365 mayonnaise with the blue lid. I have heard most other brands are as well .
Living low fodmap is a lot more cooking from scratch. There are some really good recipes out there though! We are a big fan of turkey and zoodles! I call it spaghetti with a twist for my 12 year old and she loves it! We eat a lot more fruit and I make a lot of breakfast for dinner because most everything breakfast is low fodmap and there is a lot of variety you can make.
i have been on a low fodmap diet for just under a year and the result have been amazing, but about three weeks ago the symptoms have started to come back
has anybody else experienced this or got any advise