Snack Recipes

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Hello, I hope you will enjoy my favourite low FODMAP snacks and desserts recipes. Please keep coming back as I am adding new low FODMAP recipes every week.

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4 comments on “Snack Recipes

    • Thank you for your kind comment Joanne. If you want to subscribe to the blog, I will be sending out my new vegetarian recipe eBook to all my subscribers in a few days.

  1. Now these may be a challenge for me because I am not a big “snack” person so to speak. The ingredients all look doable so I don’t think I have a problem there but it is just a matter of if I will eat the bars once I make them. I bet my Brother will though. I could always eat them for breakfast. Think I will make some up this weekend and give it a try. Thank you for this great recipe!

    • Hi Barb, thanks for taking the time to look at my low FODMAP muesli bar. They are really quite easy to make and they taste pretty good, I took a batch to an event and they went pretty quick. Give it a go and play with the ingredients to make them, just like you (or your brother) likes them. All the best.

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