#042 Fix Your Gut In 4 Simple Steps With The Soulfood Nutritionista

Love & Trust Your Guts with Alyssa!

Alyssa Labrecque is a Registered Holistic Nutritionist from Canada. Alyssa is also a trained opera singer with a great passion for healthy food and that’s what made her become a nutritionist and create her site Soulfood Nutritionista.
Alyssa’s journey started when she could no longer watch her sister in pain with Ulcerative Colitis and wanted to help her to feel better.
Herself she was battling with weight issue and after researching and reaching out to health professionals she discovered that nutrition was the way forward for both herself and for her sister.
Alyssa has created a program called Love & Trust Your Guts where she guides you through your journey to improve your digestive issues. Her program includes:

  • Personalised daily actions that will get you back on track
  • The specific inflammatory foods to avoid and how to swap them out without feeling deprived
  • Proven stress busting and anxiety-reducing strategies to stop sabotaging your gut
  • Personalised supplements to support and maintain a happy gut and happy poops
  • The Happy Poop Method for tracking and normalising your poops
  • Personalized gut repair food plan
  • Proven strategies to avoid cravings, feeling lightheaded and start regaining your energy that works even in social situations
  • And SO much more…!
You can listen to this podcast episode from the player below, as well as from iTunes and Stitcher.

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • Why Alyssa became a nutritionist
  • How can people recognise if  they have IBS or gut issues?
  • What causes our gut imbalances?
  • Where do bowel movements fit into this picture?
  • What are the 4 steps to fixing your gut?
  • How to start fixing your gut.
  • How long does it take for the low FODMAP diet to work?
  • What about if the low FODMAP diet doesn’t work and you still have IBS symptoms?

Alyssa’s Links:

Alyssa’s Website
Alyssa’s Facebook
Love Your Guts-IBS Support Group (FB)
Alyssa’s Instagram
IBS-Be-Gone Cheat Sheet E-book
Email Alyssa’s For A Free Initial Consultation: Info at soulfoodnutritionista.com

About Larah

I have been suffering from Irritable Bowel Syndrome for many years, but it took a longtime to get a diagnosis, since then I have been following a low FODMAP diet, which has changed my life for the better. This is my story and experience with IBS and the low FODMAP diet.