Love & Trust Your Guts with Alyssa! Alyssa Labrecque is a Registered Holistic Nutritionist from Canada. Alyssa is also a trained opera singer with a great passion for healthy food and that’s what made her become a nutritionist and create her site Soulfood Nutritionista. Alyssa’s journey started when she could no longer watch her sister […]
Tag Archives: ibs
#040 Get Messy In Fiona’s Kitchen
Fiona Kendall is a qualified nutritionist and dietitian, and has recently completed a Master of Dietetics at the University of Otago in NZ. Fiona was diagnosed with IBS in 2014 and soon after started to heal her gut with a low FODMAP diet, which has completely changed her life. Fiona loves whole foods, yoga and […]
#039 RD Lauren Renlund Talks About Low FODMAP Snacks
Lauren Renlund is a registered dietitian and nutrition coach from Ontario, Canada. Lauren suffers from Irritable Bowel Syndrome and has used the low FODMAP diet to improve her symptoms. Lauren offers nutrition counselling and coaching sessions in person and remotely. Note from Larah: As I no longer transcribe the whole interview, you can listen […]
Low FODMAP Cottage Pie
Tasty Low FODMAP Cottage Pie Save Print Prep time 30 mins Cook time 1 hour 45 mins Total time 2 hours 15 mins This delicious cottage pie recipe has been modified compared to the ‘classic’ version to make sure it has only low FODMAP ingredients, but you shouldn’t worry, as your guests will […]
Can Essential Oils Help IBS Symptoms?
How Can Essential Oils Help IBS? As I have alluded in a previous blog post, one of the suggested natural treatments for IBS symptoms is through the use of essential oils. In this post, I am aiming to get into more details about which essential oils help IBS sufferers to ease their symptoms. In doing my […]
How To Follow A Low FODMAP Diet On Holiday
Going On Holiday? Be Prepared, Relax and Enjoy! Vacations and holidays are times everyone looks forward to, even those who are on a low FODMAP diet. But these times can be challenging for us low FODMAP dieters, because traveling brings up the possibility of consuming the ‘wrong’ food and by consequence flaring up our IBS […]
#038 Dietitian Erin Peisach Can Help You To Improve Your Digestive Health…From End To End!
RD Erin Peisach is specialised in Functional Bowel Disorders and her specialties include GERD, IBS, SIBO, Crohn’s, Colitis, Celiac, and EoE. Her aim is to educate her clients and guide them through five key areas: diet, supplements, physical activity, sleep and stress management. In this episode, you’ll learn: Erin’s own struggles with digestive issues. How Erin […]
Low FODMAP Fluffy Mashed Potatoes
Low FODMAP Fluffy Mashed Potato Save Print Prep time 20 mins Cook time 20 mins Total time 40 mins Mashed potatoes are a versatile dish, you can use them as a side dish, as a topping for cottage and shepherd’s pie, and left overs can be mixed up to meat or tuna to […]
#037 Dietitian Stephanie Clairmont Helps You To Manage Your IBS Beyond FODMAPs
Get feeling well and normal again with the Beyond FODMAPs Membership Club created by Canadian dietitian Stephanie Clairmont. In this episode, you’ll learn: Stephanie’s IBS story and journey into the low FODMAP diet. Why it is so useful to see a dietitian who has personally experienced IBS and followed a low FODMAP diet themselves? Why the […]
Do Probiotics Help IBS Sufferers?
Probiotics for Irritable Bowel Syndrome We constantly hear about curing ourselves or boosting our immune system with vitamins, healthy supplements and integrators. Probiotics are, for Irritable Bowel Syndrome sufferers, on the top list of supplements to be taken; lately I have also started to take some, which are specific for IBS. Probiotics supplements are often […]
Reader Story: Living With SIBO And IBS
This is the story of an IBS and SIBO sufferer who has learnt how to manage his symptoms by changing his lifestyle and diet. Hi Josh, would you like to share your story with the readers of Journey Into The Low FODMAP Diet? My name is Josh and I am a fellow IBS (Irritable […]
#034 Dietitian Chloe Adams Explains Differences Between SIBO and IBS
Chloe Adams, a low FODMAP specialised dietitian from England, explains the relationship between SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth) and IBS symptoms. In this episode, you’ll learn: How did Chloe come across the low FODMAP diet? What exactly is SIBO and what is its link to IBS? Do SIBO and IBS have similar symptoms and does […]
Chocolate, Saint or Sinner for IBS Sufferers?
When I’ve found out that I had IBS and I needed to follow a low FODMAPs diet, one of the first thing I researched was chocolate. I really couldn’t 🙁 give that up, or at least not without a fight. Searching the internet I found contradictory information, until when I finally downloaded the low FODMAPs […]
#027 RD Janet and Hannah Explain How To Make The Most Of Your Time With The Dietitian
Dietitians Hannah and Janet, have created Fodify Foods, a range of low FODMAP products, which are so convenient, when we are too busy to cook from scratch. In this episode, our two lovely guests from England, Hannah and Janet, share their knowledge and wisdom about the low FODMAP diet and explain how their personal experiences led them […]
#20 Lee Martin RD Explains The Re-challenge and Reintroduction Phase Of The Low FODMAP Diet
This episode’s guest, Lee Martin, is a specialised dietitian who became part of the low FODMAP diet research team at London King’s College, contributing to the research and development of the diet. Currently, he works as a specialist gastroenterology dietitian at the University College London Hospital where he provides group education on the low FODMAP […]
#004 Dr. Barbara Bolen recommendations for IBS sufferers
Dr. Barbara Bolen recommendations for IBS sufferers looking at both physical and mental health Why does 15% of the population suffer from IBS and what role does stress play? Dr. Barbara Bolen, a psychologist and health coach offers some sound advice on how to ease IBS symptoms through behavioural changes. She explains the role of […]
#001 How Larah discovered she had IBS and started to follow a low FODMAP diet.
Finally, the Low FODMAP Diet and IBS Podcast is now available online! Are you suffering from Irritable Bowel Syndrome and struggle to find a way to manage your symptoms? If your answer is yes, you are just like me, a few years ago. Now I control my horrible IBS symptoms mainly by following a low […]
Acupuncture And IBS
Can Acupuncture Relieve IBS? From following this blog you will know already that it is possible to improve Irritable Bowel Syndrome symptoms by following a low FODMAP diet, but there are also non-diet related ways that can help to reduce the pain caused by IBS. I have previously wrote about how having some hypnotherapy sessions, performing regular exercise and […]
Milk Allergy vs Lactose Intolerance
What are the differences between food allergy and food intolerance? In a previous post, I wrote about lactose intolerance and what it means for IBS sufferers. For this post I have researched the subject of milk allergy and its effects on people dealing with IBS and also investigated the difference between these two ailments. First of […]
IBS Tests
Is It Possible To Test Irritable Bowel Syndrome? It took me two years, from the time I started to feel unwell, to finally get an IBS diagnosis and it was mainly an elimination process. It is not easy for a health practitioner to definitively diagnose Irritable Bowel Syndrome, because in appearance the bowel seems normal, even […]