Probiotics for Irritable Bowel Syndrome We constantly hear about curing ourselves or boosting our immune system with vitamins, healthy supplements and integrators. Probiotics are, for Irritable Bowel Syndrome sufferers, on the top list of supplements to be taken; lately I have also started to take some, which are specific for IBS. Probiotics supplements are often […]
Tag Archives: probiotics
How To Treat IBS Naturally
If you are one of the 15% of people, suffering from it, you would surely know that Irritable Bowel Syndrome or IBS, is a disorder causing abdominal pain and frequent visits to the toilet. IBS can really exhaust a person, but you don’t need to discourage, there is help. Just like me, some IBS sufferers […]
Can Antibiotics Help or Cause IBS?
I have been thinking back at when my IBS symptoms started and I can most certainly pin point them to a few months after I had 3 courses of antibiotics within 5 months. I have never been very keen on antibiotics, but I understand that sometimes there is no way around it, if you have […]