Chocolate, Saint or Sinner for IBS Sufferers?

Chocolate, Saint or Sinner for IBS Sufferers?

When I’ve found out that I had IBS and I needed to follow a low FODMAPs diet, one of the first thing I researched was chocolate. I really couldn’t 🙁 give that up, or at least not without a fight. Searching the internet I found contradictory information, until when I finally downloaded the low FODMAPs […]

Low FODMAP Vegetarian Food

Low FODMAP Vegetarian Food

Are you a vegetarian and suffer from IBS? Has your doctor/dietitian suggested you to go on a low FODMAP diet? Do you feel confused on what food you can or cannot eat? Keep on reading then, as this low FODMAP vegetarian food article, may just give you the information you need. The low FODMAP diet […]

Real Low FODMAP (Non Processed) Food Week 2

Real Low FODMAP (Non Processed) Food Week 2

I’m halfway through week two of my ‘real’ low FODMAP food experiment. YEAH! For those who haven’t read my previous post, you should know that after all the overeating of the Christmas festivities, I have decided to cut out from my diet, all processed food for 21 days. Twenty-one days of only healthy low FODMAP […]

#005 Check Out How Exercise Can Benefit IBS Sufferers

#005 Check Out How Exercise Can Benefit IBS Sufferers

Nutritionist and fitness expert Delina Rahmate explains the importance of overall fitness for those who suffer from IBS. She lays out a sensible plan to ease IBS symptoms with a doable plan of action specifically tailored to utilise exercise and nutrition in tangent to help those who suffer from IBS. Delina specialises in nutritional supplementation, […]

#004 Dr. Barbara Bolen recommendations for IBS sufferers

#004 Dr. Barbara Bolen recommendations for IBS sufferers

Dr. Barbara Bolen recommendations for IBS sufferers looking at both physical and mental health Why does 15% of the population suffer from IBS and what role does stress play? Dr. Barbara Bolen, a psychologist and health coach offers some sound advice on how to ease IBS symptoms through behavioural changes. She explains the role of […]

21 Days Of Real Low FODMAP Food

21 Days Of Real Low FODMAP Food

Real Low FODMAP Food Experiment With Christmas, New Year’s eve and two daughters’ birthday parties finally over, it is time to go back to a healthy eating plan. My diet is already 95% low FODMAP, but during these holidays I have indulged in a ‘few too many’ low FODMAP treats and I can see that […]

IBS In Children

IBS In Children

We know that Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is not exactly a disease; it is referred to as a functional disorder. This means that the bowel is not functioning as it should. This syndrome, can afflict people of all ages, unfortunately also children. What are the symptoms of IBS in children? Verifying IBS in children is […]

Low FODMAP Diet vs Paleo Diet

Low FODMAP Diet vs Paleo Diet

Low FODMAP and Paleo Diet, let’s clear some points out. With a myriad of diet options coming out every few months, it is often all too easy to be overwhelmed, not knowing which diet is best for your particular situation.  With this post I am trying to clear up some of the confusion that seems […]

IBS And Alcohol

IBS And Alcohol

Can IBS sufferers drink alcohol? Introduction I have been blogging on IBS and low FODMAP diet for a while now and recently the question came up from somebody asking about the relationship between IBS And Alcohol. Can IBS sufferers still have a drink without having nasty IBS symptoms? Despite not drinking any alcohol, I thought […]

Lactose Intolerance and IBS

Lactose Intolerance and IBS

If you are like me and have had milk and dairy products all your life and now all of a sudden you have IBS and are also lactose intolerant, does it mean that you have to give up dairies all together? Not necessarily, as apparently lactose intolerant individuals can sometimes still eat and drink small […]

Low FODMAP Diet Is Not A Gluten Free Diet

Low FODMAP Diet Is Not A Gluten Free Diet

Is Gluten Free Diet Ok For IBS? So, here is the deal: Low FODMAP diet is not the same as a gluten free diet. While it looks like you are being wise, by following a gluten free diet, as you are avoiding Oligos-fructans and Galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS) contained in wheat, barley and rye (just to mention […]

How To Treat IBS Naturally

How To Treat IBS Naturally

If you are one of the 15% of people, suffering from it, you would surely know that Irritable Bowel Syndrome or IBS, is a disorder causing abdominal pain and frequent visits to the toilet. IBS can really exhaust a person, but you don’t need to discourage, there is help. Just like me, some IBS sufferers […]

Hypnotherapy Can Help IBS

Hypnotherapy Can Help IBS

I have just had the opportunity to interview Brian David, who is a qualified hypnotherapist with a Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy, awarded by The Essex Institute of Clinical Hypnosis in England. As I am constantly researching Irritable Bowel Syndrome and ways to keep those symptoms at bay, I have recently learnt that hypnotherapy can be […]

How Exercise Can Help IBS

How Exercise Can Help IBS

Can Exercise Really Help IBS Sufferers? Irritable Bowel Syndrome affects more people than you know. Although some people may have an upset stomach every now and then, many individuals have constant pains and bloating after eating certain foods. These symptoms occur due to the sufferer’s inefficient bowel movements. Sometimes, the colon moves too fast and […]

When Cheating (On The Low FODMAP Diet) Costed My Pants

When Cheating (On The Low FODMAP Diet) Costed My Pants

How Much Do You Miss Your Favourite High FODMAPs Food? DISCLAIMER: This post contains a lot of ‘toilet humour’ (which is quite common when you suffer from IBS), read only if not offended by this type of humour and away from meals. The story starts here: I have been following a low FODMAPs diet for […]

Difference Between IBS and IBD

Difference Between IBS and IBD

What is the difference between IBS and IBD? Friends and acquaintances often notice that lately I have been following a fairly strict food diet (low FODMAPs) and usually ask me the reasons. When I say I have IBS, most people don’t know what it is, which is kind of strange considering 15% of the population […]

Drinking Soda Soft Drinks When Suffering From IBS

Drinking Soda Soft Drinks When Suffering From IBS

The Trouble With Soda Soda is one of the most prolific and tasty drinks that people purchase. Behind the taste, and behind the clever marketing you are going to find that it’s one of the worst things for your health. Even the diet and low calories varieties are going to cause you a great deal […]