How to get your IBS under control We know that battling Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is painful, stressful, exhausting and often embarrassing. Diarrhea, constipation, running to the toilet, feeling bloated like a woman pregnant with triplets, passing wind at the worst time and in the wrong location, dealing with the constant fear of ‘accidents’ when […]
Category Archives: Low FODMAP Diet
7 Tips On How To Save On A Low FODMAP Diet!
Are you worried about blowing your groceries budget because you need to follow a Low FODMAP diet? You may have recently been told to follow a low FODMAP diet to control your Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) symptoms and soon after you may have started to visit those supermarkets aisles with “Healthy Food” written all over […]
Can Essential Oils Help IBS Symptoms?
How Can Essential Oils Help IBS? As I have alluded in a previous blog post, one of the suggested natural treatments for IBS symptoms is through the use of essential oils. In this post, I am aiming to get into more details about which essential oils help IBS sufferers to ease their symptoms. In doing my […]
How To Follow A Low FODMAP Diet On Holiday
Going On Holiday? Be Prepared, Relax and Enjoy! Vacations and holidays are times everyone looks forward to, even those who are on a low FODMAP diet. But these times can be challenging for us low FODMAP dieters, because traveling brings up the possibility of consuming the ‘wrong’ food and by consequence flaring up our IBS […]
Do Probiotics Help IBS Sufferers?
Probiotics for Irritable Bowel Syndrome We constantly hear about curing ourselves or boosting our immune system with vitamins, healthy supplements and integrators. Probiotics are, for Irritable Bowel Syndrome sufferers, on the top list of supplements to be taken; lately I have also started to take some, which are specific for IBS. Probiotics supplements are often […]
Reader Story: Living With SIBO And IBS
This is the story of an IBS and SIBO sufferer who has learnt how to manage his symptoms by changing his lifestyle and diet. Hi Josh, would you like to share your story with the readers of Journey Into The Low FODMAP Diet? My name is Josh and I am a fellow IBS (Irritable […]
Chocolate, Saint or Sinner for IBS Sufferers?
When I’ve found out that I had IBS and I needed to follow a low FODMAPs diet, one of the first thing I researched was chocolate. I really couldn’t 🙁 give that up, or at least not without a fight. Searching the internet I found contradictory information, until when I finally downloaded the low FODMAPs […]
Low FODMAP Vegetarian Food
Are you a vegetarian and suffer from IBS? Has your doctor/dietitian suggested you to go on a low FODMAP diet? Do you feel confused on what food you can or cannot eat? Keep on reading then, as this low FODMAP vegetarian food article, may just give you the information you need. The low FODMAP diet […]
IBS Diet – The Elimination And Reintroduction Phases
Low FODMAP Diet Phases An IBS diagnosis comes as both a relief and a discomfort for most people. Relief because the cause of all the distress and various digestive malfunctions is finally revealed; discomfort because it means that there may be a lot of dietary adjustments to be made and favourite food to be given […]
Real Low FODMAP (Non Processed) Food Week 2
I’m halfway through week two of my ‘real’ low FODMAP food experiment. YEAH! For those who haven’t read my previous post, you should know that after all the overeating of the Christmas festivities, I have decided to cut out from my diet, all processed food for 21 days. Twenty-one days of only healthy low FODMAP […]
Registered Dietitian Lee Martin talks about the low FODMAP Diet
Introduction For the past few months I had the pleasure of getting to know, via social medias and through his blog, Lee Martin a Registered Dietitian from London. He is also a researcher of the Low FODMAP Diet and author of the book Re-challenging & Reintroducing FODMAPs – A self-help guide to the entire reintroduction […]
Acupuncture And IBS
Can Acupuncture Relieve IBS? From following this blog you will know already that it is possible to improve Irritable Bowel Syndrome symptoms by following a low FODMAP diet, but there are also non-diet related ways that can help to reduce the pain caused by IBS. I have previously wrote about how having some hypnotherapy sessions, performing regular exercise and […]
Milk Allergy vs Lactose Intolerance
What are the differences between food allergy and food intolerance? In a previous post, I wrote about lactose intolerance and what it means for IBS sufferers. For this post I have researched the subject of milk allergy and its effects on people dealing with IBS and also investigated the difference between these two ailments. First of […]
Is There A Link Between SIBO And IBS?
At present the relationship between SIBO and IBS is not completely clear, but some medical studies show a connection in symptoms in people suffering from Small Intestinal Bacteria Overgrowth (SIBO) and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). What is SIBO? Turn on the television and you will see a commercial for probiotics or a yogurt product that promotes […]
Low FODMAP Diet Is Not For Life
“What? So I’m not going to be able to eat bread, garlic and apples ever again?” Not necessarily, in fact the good news is that the low FODMAP diet is not for life, at least not in its most extreme form. It is actually recommended that one doesn’t stay on a strict low FODMAP diet for an […]
Low FODMAP Diet On A Budget
The Health Food Aisle Trap Within the last decade, when the gluten-free craze hit the food industry, there arose with it the misconception that ‘gluten-free’ was synonymous with ‘healthy’. This idea lingers still, and it is shown in most of our major grocery stores; if you were to ask a store clerk where you would find a […]
Best Low FODMAP Diet Books
Top Low FODMAP Diet Books Available On Amazon (revisited February 2017) When I was first diagnosed with Irritable Bowel Syndrome, my GP referred me to a dietitian, who was familiar with IBS symptoms and advised me to go on a FODMAP elimination diet. She also suggested to download the Low-FODMAP Monash University smartphone app, as a […]
IBS Tests
Is It Possible To Test Irritable Bowel Syndrome? It took me two years, from the time I started to feel unwell, to finally get an IBS diagnosis and it was mainly an elimination process. It is not easy for a health practitioner to definitively diagnose Irritable Bowel Syndrome, because in appearance the bowel seems normal, even […]
21 Days Of Real Low FODMAP Food
Real Low FODMAP Food Experiment With Christmas, New Year’s eve and two daughters’ birthday parties finally over, it is time to go back to a healthy eating plan. My diet is already 95% low FODMAP, but during these holidays I have indulged in a ‘few too many’ low FODMAP treats and I can see that […]
Low FODMAP Christmas Dilemma
The low FODMAP way around your Christmas meal Christmas festivities can be a real pain when you suffer from food allergies or intolerance. I’ve realised that last year, when I went to Italy to visit my family for Christmas. The majority of the food that my sisters prepared was unsuitable for me and it was […]